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The brakes in your vehicles require time to time investigation, repair and maintenance. It is an immensely critical component of your car, and ignoring the signs of concern may result in minor to significant accidents anywhere on the road. The good news is professional brakes repair service in Gold Coast exists, and you can achieve high-quality service just when you need it.

Maintaining the brakes is tricky unless you know the warning signs to look out for. If you want to keep your brake system healthy and the passengers in your car safe, check out the signs of concern that indicates you need to go for brakes repair service listed below:

Sings That Your Vehicle Needs Brakes Repair Service

Your brakes are unusually slow

The time a vehicle takes to slow down majorly depends on its size and road conditions. Apart from the previously mentioned factors, the amount of pressure applied to the brake pedal also determines how fast or slow your vehicle will stop. So, if you notice the brake pedal is not effectively working to slow down the car as it should, it may indicate a hidden issue. The car takes a longer time when there is an issue with the brake system. Call the experts of brakes repair service in Gold Coast at the right time to prevent any unforeseen occurrences.

Squeaky and unfamiliar sounds

Another way to identify abnormality in your brake system is through unusual sounds. Squeaky and squealing sounds emitting from the wear indicators around the brake pads also indicate a need for service. When the brake disc wears out, it makes unusual sounds. When these sounds are left unnoticed, the callipers start scraping against the rotors, and you begin experiencing a grinding sound. An immediate brake inspection can save you from expensive brake pads and rotor replacement.

Pulsing or vibrations

During regular braking, warped brake rotors are a common reason for vibrations or pulsing sensations in the steering wheel and brake pedal. The anti-lock brakes will pulsate quickly to quickly stop the car. If the rotors are warped, you will notice a different vibration when slowing down or stopping normally.

Brake rotors can become warped due to prolonged high stress. This can happen if you frequently brake while towing heavy loads or when descending steep hills or mountainsides, causing the rotors to heat up to extreme temperatures. In such cases, the rotors may need to be resurfaced or replaced.

Worn-out brake pads

When brake pads become excessively worn, you will start experiencing a delayed braking response. By examining the area between the calliper and the brake rotor, visible through the spokes, you can assess the brake pad’s thickness. Ideally, the pad should be around ¼ of an inch thick for optimal performance.

Brake pads feel different

If your brakes feel oversensitive or loose, you must check your brake system immediately. Worn brake pads turn the brake pedals mushy. It can also be due to a hydraulic brake fluid line, fluid leak, or even contaminated brake fluid. Mushy and oversensitive medals are very difficult to manage as they might cause the car to jolt.

If you are looking for the best brakes repair service in Gold Coast, look no further than Krakin Automotive. Our experts study all the warning signs of your brake system determine and deliver the exact brake repair services you need.

For more information, get in touch with us!